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Some indications that your brakes may need inspecting...  


SQUEAKING… Squeaking brakes could be a sign that the front brake pads are worn or partially siezed and may need changing. In some instances it could be that the brake calliper is in need of attention.


GRINDING… This typically occurs when the brake pads are heavily worn down close to the metal, creating a grinding noise. 


PULLING… If you've noticed your car pulling to the left or right whenever you apply your brakes this could indicate a sticking hydraulic mechanical component, like a seized calliper. 


PULSATING… If you feel a continuous pulsating from the brake pedal when applying the brakes it could indicate that the brake disc has become warped from excessive heat. This occurs because the brake disc is distorted, meaning there is no longer a perfectly flat surface when the brake pad makes contact. 


SPONGINESS… If the brake pedal feels spongy and the brakes seem unresponsive it is usually a sign that air has entered the brake lines. Using our brake fluid tester, we can measure the boiling point of the brake fluid, to see if brake fluid renewal is required. 


SOFT BRAKE PEDAL… If your brake pedal has no resistance, is limp, and goes all the way to the floor it could indicate a serious braking fault. It could be for many reasons, including ineffective brake fluid, or a master cylinder fault to a leaking brake pipe or wheel cylinder. 



If you're experiencing any of the above, or feel as though your brakes aren't working as usual, you should get them checked out immediately. 


Repair your brakes


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